Version 1.27 (15 February 2000)
New birthday code (courtesy of Paul Guyot). More reliable and reads birthdays from the address book
Smarter birthday updating--only when needed, not on every wake
Internationalization by Paul Guyot
French translation by Paul Guyot
German translation by Theodorich Kopetzky
Version 1.26 (4 January 2000)
Fixed bug causing incompatibility with alt.rec
Added support for large background pictures (>32K). (Unlike normal background pictures, they must stay present and not frozen at all times.)
Now Open Source!
Version 1.25 (7 March 1999)
Added compatibility with Newt's Cape-generated background pictures
Added ability to drag images into Prefs slip
Version 1.24 (27 December 1998)
Fixed bugs introduced in new Birthday/Anniversary re-write
Version 1.23 (20 December 1998)
Hebrew date appears below English date if Hebrew Date Convert installed
Near total rewrite of Birthday/Anniversaries, fixing all outstanding bugs
Can no longer delete floating toolbar in Scribble Pad
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version 1.22 (9 October 1998)
Anniversaries now show up (was broken in 1.2 and 1.21)
Can now Post notes that have no text
Version 1.21 (24 September 1998)
Allowed 1x0 Newtons to pick silkscreened apps for date and time apps (fine, it was a bug)
Fixed "dirty" flag bug
Fixed bug with "Backdrop" button in Memory Info
Minor tweaks
Version 1.2 (27 July 1998)
Now runs on OS 2.0 Newtons as well (many adjustments made for this)
Added Scribble Pad
Added option of smaller Rotate button
Added "No store space" error message for background picture install
Memory Info no longer gives a -48807 if used immediately after a reset
A whole slew of little bug fixes
Version 1.18 (9 June 1998)
Fixed -48412 error in '61 Memory Fix if card with no installed packages was inserted
Added Memory Info to info button
Hid advanced features in utilities menu in info button
Made background picture more robust, added error-checking
Recent Apps now uses the app's name from the Extras Drawer
Recent Apps will now remember almost any app at all
Recent Apps intercepts app openings more politely
No more harrassment on reset if Avi's Backdrop isn't the backdrop
Only installs on OS 2.1 Newtons
Version 1.17 (1 June 1998)
Added Recent Applications button
Added background picture
Version 1.16 (24 May 1998)
Tweaked volume slider
Tweaked date and time buttons (MoreInfo should work, now)
Added relative dating to birthdays/anniversaries (i.e. today, tomorrow)
Birthdays and anniversaries now work on German Newtons
Version 1.15 (6 May 1998)
The application opened by tapping on the clock is now configurable
Birthday advance warning is configurable
Birthdays in list are now sorted by date
Volume button hides itself on eMate
Birthday area also shows upcoming anniversaries
Birthday area now scrolls
Added reboot command to info button
Added '61 Memory Fix to info button
Version 1.14 (5 April 1998)
The card icon now opens the card slip the Right Way
The status bar now adds and removes auxiliary buttons the Right Way
The owner card/worksite switcher now switches the Right Way (and accommodates long names better, too)
Avi's Backdrop now registers for time and store changes the Right Way
Version 1.13 (22 March 1998)
Tapping on the memory status icon now works again (got broken in 1.12)
The memory status is now really silenced in the Inspector
The "New About box" introduced in 1.1 is now opaque (Duh!)
The flickering on and off of a person's birthday on the first and last day of the display range is fixed, finally
More minor tweaking of the auxiliary button handling
The easter egg is back, in a different place but with the same triggering mechanism, more complicated than ever
Version 1.12 (15 March 1998)
The memory status no longer prints to the Inspector (programmers rejoice!)
The easter egg has temporarily been removed pending further investigation of a conflict with the Extras key on the eMate keyboard (Doh!)
Version 1.11 (2 March 1998)
Changed the triggering mechanism of the Easter Egg
Tapping the icons for memory and battery do the same things as tapping the values
Version 1.1 (28 February 1998)
Made the slider a pop-up, so it closes with a tap anywhere on the screen
The Easter Egg now works
The application opened by tapping on the date is now configurable
Tapping your name now brings up a picker allowing quick switching of owners and worksites
Can automatically make itself the backdrop
Can beam itself to another Newton
Minor code changes
New About box
Version 1.03 (22 February 1998)
Fixed the auxiliary button problem, again
Version 1.02 (22 February 1998)
Fixed the auxiliary button problem
Version 1.01 (21 February 1998)
Moved the three icons over
Tweaked the birthday area and documented it (no, that wasn't the Easter Egg)
Updated the copyright information in the package
Fixed the developer signature (unfortunately, "Avi" was taken, so I now have "AviD")
Version 1.0 (15 February 1998)
Initial release