Find the Secret Pages!

Hidden somewhere on my website are secret pages. There is no hyperlink, thanks for asking. Just fully-qualified URLs hidden somewhere where you wouldn't think of looking.

If you find any of them, I'll give you credit here.

There is only one rule. The only tool you need to use is a web browser, and that is the only tool that I permit you to use to interact with my server. This challenge in no way is permission to break into the server, and anyone who does so will be prosecuted. Let me make that clear: if you crack the server, you lose.

Secret Page 1 Secret Page 2 Secret Page 3

Charles Gaba
(@)  (W)  7 Sep 2000

Thomas Martin
(@)  3 May 2001

Thomas Martin
(@)  3 May 2001

Andrea R James
(@)  (W)  7 Sep 2000

Thomas Martin
(@)  3 May 2001

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Last modified: Tue, Mar 9, 2004 at 12:02:03 AM