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WWDC 2004

Every year, when Apple announces the WWDC sessions, I look them over to see what new stuff they're admitting to. Last year, they spilled quite a bit. This year...

Beyond syslog: The New Log Subsystem
This session will discuss a new subsystem for managing log data which consolidates logging information, provides it in a consistent format, and makes it much easier for an administrator to analyze system behavior. Usage of the new system and APIs for generating and monitoring log events will be discussed.


Windows NT has for some time had an Event Log, which is a centralized place that services can log events. From that one place, events can be examined and analyzed. It's about time that the Mac got something equivalent.

Network Kernel Extensions
Learn about the new and improved Network Kernel Programming Interfaces for developing Network Kernel Extensions (NKEs). This session will walk through the various types of NKEs using concrete examples.

NKEs finally get a real API? About time.

And that's about it. Not as many admissions as last year. Oh well.

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