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"Fervently" Orthodox

Just a thought to pass along from a good friend:
Why is it that we are now calling Orthodox Jews "fervently" Orthodox? It makes us look like we're over the top - a bit on the crazy side of things. Why is it that it's okay to call the Orthodox "fervently" Jewish but it would be terrible to call Conservative or Reform Jews "unfervently" Jewish? Why this one-sidedness?


Hi Shira!!!
I'm in the middle of my take home exam right now. Can ya tell? Anyways, at least I'm not in my bed at the moment sleeping. Consciousness is one step in the right direction. I'm at the local public library about a block from home. Being at school gives me too much pressure to play computer games. But the thing about the public library is that it's got this Nazi policy on computer use--you may not view: email, chat rooms, reacreational games or (I love this) other amusements or diversions, or anything for prurient sexual interest. My deal is, I'm gonna be a lawyer and I don't know what prurient means!? Anyways, they've blocked all my routes to email on the computer. But (HA HA!) I've figured out a way around it. I've almost got a thrill just out of being able to get one past the mean ol' librarian. Sure, the entire freakin rest of the world is privy to my ramblings, but whatever.
Hoping you're enjoying the down time.

PS: Lion's still on the loose. Some dude on the radio claimed he saw the animal leap and attack some prey down by the airport. I live near the airport. The only prey that roams around there tend to mingle next to the strip club.

Fervently is another word for irrational. This is because Orthodoxy is perceived as bizarre and crazy. Since there are several laws or perhaps Minhagim, that are difficult for most people to comprehend, as the Orthodox themselves refer to these as 'Chok', something that is in the Torah, that usually no reason is given for it, or there are attempts to explain it, but often these explanations are hard to swallow. For example, the idea of a man not talking to a woman, even his wife. It makes no sense in today's world, where we realize that communication is ultra, important.
BTW, I have no problem with this, categorization of fervently, because from their perspective they are right. Mostly we care about what others think because we are afraid of losing more Jews. It's like, you see, every young Jewish person, as they mature, they have the capacity to decide that they want out. Then also we want to attract the non religious to the fold. But other than that, I think that it doesn't matter, what others call us or not. If it takes you away from Loving Ha-Shem, then forget it. And I say this as this is my struggle, as my bitterness overwhelms me each day at my horrible job. It is only after I have embedded my wonderful hashish that recently arrived in the mail, that I begin to relax.
I don't know if I am boring you or not. I have some serious questions about the religion. It seems to me that we are attracting the rich and comfortable. A poor person, works on Saturday, and gets to enjoy the money. Then he enjoys Sunday. Good. So why would you take this from him? Because, it is decided on Rosh Ha
shanna, See that is real faith.

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