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Day of Mourning

Another Jewish family has been destroyed today. An eight month pregnant woman and her four daughters were murdered today on the road in Israel on their way to protest the Gaza withdrawl plan. These are true heroes. This is an example of what the plan will do. We cannot turn our eyes away. What will be our response?


Shira, hopefully you will get a chance to read this...Now that school (well mostly still have a summer class and intern) is done I have been busy with my summer reading list.

I already started the two books you gave me, but I got distracted and ended up reading to great books by Daniel Pipes: Islam and Political Power, and Militant Islam Reaches America. I highly recommend both, the first is a bit dated (1985) but still highly relevant, although I don't agree with all of his assessments and his predictions seem a bit dated due to events that eventually unfolded with America's involvement in the region during and after the Gulf War.

I also started a third book which really touches on a topic I discussed earlier with you regarding Noam Chomsky and his bizarre affiliation with Neo-Nazis and Khmer Rouge apologetics. You can actually read it online at:


Strangely enough I didn't know this book was published online until a friend of mine typed in "I hate Noam Chomsky" in my Yahoo browser and that was the FIRST site that popped up. Coincidence? The cites from Cohn's books are really good too - looks like I have even more reading cut out for me. Well ttyl, hope spring/summer (although the weather would have you believe otherwise) is going well thus far.


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