A bird in the coffeehouse...
I'm so proud of people sometimes. This morning, I met my study buddy DL at Sweetwaters to discuss our cross-examination for Tuesday, and there was a little sparrow stuck in the coffeehouse. He was flying frantically against the window trying to get out. I pointed it out to my friend, and we headed over to the door/wall window to try and let him out.
There were three other people sitting closer to the window, and they also got up when they realized that the little bird was stuck inside. My friend and I got to the window first, and between all 5 of us, finally moved the bird closer to the door and he got out.
Everyone sat back down, and it felt so good to get five random people to work together for five minutes to free a stuck, frustrated, and trapped bird. It felt good to see the bird flying away into the sky, free.