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End of March Update

I finally got to a computer with enough time to write something.

The knee update: I'm doing better. It still hurts on occassion and now that I'm going to physical therapy, it hurts more...but I guess that's a good thing. Over the next two weeks I'll be going three times a week, then it's Pesach, then I'll return here for more. I'm down to one crutch and sometimes I forget and hobble around without it. I want to thank everyone for their great phone calls and emails.

Next on the update agenda: I'm contracted for next year here for Jewish Studies (JS) rather than Hebrew language. Yeah! I feel like this is much more up my alley. While I've been having a nice time this year, I think that JS will be more comfortable.

On the apartment front: I've got a new place of my own. It's a one bedroom in Washington Heights. I literally moved about four blocks south on the same street. I like the people in the building, they seem to be really nice and friendly. They even have their own message board. So now I have space and can have anyone over at any time I want. It's still getting sorted. I moved about two weeks before the knee surgery and never quite finished unpacking properly. But things are slowly coming together, and hopefully soon things'll be taken care of. When everything is done, it'll look good and be really exciting. I invite everyone to come and visit.

All in all, Chodesh Tov to all... and Shabbat Shalom.


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