American Soldiers and Israeli kids can get love too!
As I discover amazing websites to help with morale, I will continue posting them. Here is one for American soldiers! Leave a message, and our boys stationed everywhere around the world can read them and know how much we care and support and thank them for their selfless service.
As for Israeli kids, a friend of a friend of mine has started an operation to bring smiles to kids' faces who are living in bomb shelters in the north of Israel. He and a group of students are delivering pizzas and ice cream to those kids. You can help with this wonderful effort by visiting one of two websites, so click here or here. Thanks and pass the word along!
Great links, thanks! If anyone's interested there's another site for messages to all "lone" Israeli soldiers, set up initially for a boy from Leeds who just made aliya, went straight into the army and was sent to Lebanon.
- Aliza
Posted by: Aliza | August 7, 2006 5:09 AM