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Clueless: The Day After

Clueless, almost like the movie...but not as funny. The day after midterm elections. The House of Representatives has been lost to the Democrats and by the time the recount is finished the Senate will be lost as well. Maybe we can take a morning after pill and make it all go away (those will be legal under the Dems I'm sure).

There are many reasons why the Republicans lost both houses. The main reason is that the Republican Party lost its base and the Democrats actually came out and voted. The conservative base had certain expectations that were not met by the party.

The main concern for both parties would seem to be the Iraq War. The Democrats are playing this as a repudiation of the entire invasion of Iraq and the entire War on Terror, divorcing that conflict from the War on Terror. What is truly dissappointing is not that the Democrats have lost their bearings (they lost that map a long time ago), but that the conservative base lost track of the big picture.

There is a War on Terror, this needs to be made clear. Opening shots of that War started many years ago - way before 9/11. The United States and the world at large has ignored it in the hopes that it would go away. It hasn't. Democracts would like to play the appeasement card - give them what they want, maybe they won't bother us anymore.

Let us take a moment to define terms. Who are "they"? "They" are those who want to destroy Western Civilization. "They" are those who believe they are the ones who should make the rules for the rest of us. "They" are the ones who believe that women have no right to an education or the right to vote. "They" are the Muslims. Yes, I am painting with a broad brush. I have yet to see any Muslim anywhere in the world come out as strongly (riot) as they did when the Pope supposedly insulted them. Or when the Twin Towers fell. Or when pizza parlors were blown up (oh yeah, those were Jews, they don't count). Or when the London Underground was attacked, murdering 50 people. Or when a disaster did not happen - those dozen planes that were to be destroyed over the Atlantic Ocean. We can go on and on. I have yet to see one riot (that's all they do) in the cause of peace, reconciliation and understanding. I am painting with a broad brush because there is absolutely no reason not to.

Now that we have defined terms let us return to the midterm elections. Republicans wanted to see stronger border control, abortion laws made tougher, gay rights turned down and a return to a more traditional perspective on life in general. Conservatives didn't get some of these things from the Republican leadership in Washington DC. Many conservatives became disillusioned and upset, which is understandable. What is not understandable was by focusing on what was not done, conservatives did themselves and the country at large a huge disservice by not voting and not getting involved.

As a result we can now see what is to happen. The "alleged" War on Terror (as the Dems call it) is going to be seriously hindered if not stopped all together. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is in charge - how long is it going to take to roll back what HAS been accomplished: lower taxes, federal judgeships, the fence put up along the southern border, wiretaps etc.?

I was speaking to a lifelong Democrat this morning. He acknowledged that he was a Democrat but then followed that statement with, "but this is no time to elect Democrats." He is absolutely correct. He sees what is going on around the world. Muslims in Australia are told that if women are not dressed "correctly" it can be assumed that they are a piece of meat to be had. Muslims in Tailand are told that they are bringing in Sharia law for family and domestic law. According to the Guardian, "Muslim attitudes in Britain more resembled public opinion in Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia..." These are only a few examples.

None of this is new, but what is to be done about it? There is a ray of hope here. Now that the Democrats are more than just a group out of power, they are now responsible for their actions. They can no longer be clueless about the world around them. All Americans have to make it clear to those in power that this is not the time to become isolationists. This is the time to fight. If we need more troops in Iraq than send them. This is the time to tell Muslims around the world to put up or shut up. If you are with us, than show us. If not...expect to see the United States Military in all its glory on your doorstep.


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Republicans wanted to see stronger border control, abortion laws made tougher, gay rights turned down and a return to a more traditional perspective on life in general.

Who has the right to decide what I do in my bedroom or with my body? Certainly not the Republicans, conservatives or anyone I elect. You think abortion is terrible and would never have one (or let your wife/sister/friend have one)? Fine. I wouldn't have one, either. You're not gay? Fine. I'm not either.

What gives the Republicans or anyone else the right to legislate based on their own personal religious belief system? Who has the right to decide for me what a "traditional perspective on life" is?

I don't disagree with you on the need to fight the war on terror *around the world.* Iraq only became the center of terrorism once *we* made it so. We can't get out now. We're in a hell of our own making and we have to see it through *to an endpoint.* I don't want the Democrats to pull us out, I want them to make a plan to pull us out and to fight the war on terror on *all* fronts. The answer isn't to force Democracy on a country that doesn't want it. Our country's arrogant belief that a 200+ year old government system is the way cultures that are thousands of years old should live is part of the reason why we're so hated.

Abortion: Abortion on demand is straight out wrong. It is wrong that under-age girls are not required to tell their parents that they are planning on having an abortion. Abortion is wrong when it is used as a form of birth control. Personal responsibility is something that needs to be stressed in all areas of life - cause and effect. There are places for an abortion. For example: Abortion is certainly an option when a mother's life is in danger.

Gay rights: We are not going to be putting video cameras and checking bedrooms to see what is going on. The issue is not what is being done (altho' Torah says no), but do not expect the majority of Americans to accept what you are doing as "normal". And shoving your "lifestyle" into America's face is not appreciated. This is certainly not to say that gays are not nice and good people. The institution of marriage is reserved and has been reserved for thousands of years as a union between one man and one woman. Opening that definition paves the way to saying that other unions such as boy and man (serious don't laugh), one man many women (Utah) and other kinds should have rights as well. We don't want to go that direction. The United States was founded on morality, and continues on its moral foundations. If a gay person wants to give power to his partner to do something, or after death - either give that partner a power of attorney or write it up in a will. It does not depend on the institution of marriage for this to happen.

Iraq and the War on Terror: I'm glad we agree on something. Certainly we must combat terrorism around the world. Iraq did become the flashpoint for terrorism, but it was not because we came over. Iraq was a terrorist state to begin with. Hussein had dealings with Osama, noboday disputes that. Hussein was also known for giving money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. Iraq was not a nice peaceful place before those mean old Americans invaded and took away their Ghandi. We've closed down the torture chambers, the rape rooms and are still finding mass graves. Yes, the enemy is there in Iraq. Islamic foreign fighters come to Iraq to fight the U.S. and we should welcome them there. We fight them there, or we fight them here. I prefer to do it there and not in New York or somewhere else in America.

Democracy: Right, we don't want to force democracy on people. I like how this is written, "Our country's arrogant belief that a 200+ year old government system is the way cultures are that are thousands of years old should live is part of the reason why we're so hated." Brilliant. That's why we're hated?! We're hated because we believe that individuals are important? We're hated because women are equal to men? We're hated because we let people with different religions pray the way they want to and don't force our religion on them? We're hated because we are allowed to express ourselves without worry of midnight arrests and death? This is arrogance? Then I proudly say that I an am arrogant American.

Sure, I say that cultures that want to self destruct have the right to do so. Go right ahead. However, keep the rest of the world out of your suicide. Destroy yourself. Keep your homicide bombers to yourself. Rape your women. Continue on with your "honor" killings. Blow your neighbors mosque up. Take slaves. Who am I to stop such a wonderful culture such as this. I am not interested in being involved in such self destruction. But stay out of my country. Stay out of Western Civilization. Such cultures need to stay in their dust pit, because if they don't...they can expect to be destroyed and rebuilt in our own image.

Amen, Shira! Except for the Jews who gave given the world a moral code, there has never been a country that has freed more of the world's people. There is no right and left. There is right and wrong. May G-d continue to Bless America.

shira - I'm trying to get hold of you. Tried e-mailing, but it looks like I have the wrong address. Please contact me. Thanks!
Matty Lichtenstein

p.s. if Shira's siblings see this before she does, please pass this message on. Thanks!

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