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Tell me how you really feel

I'm writing a little app using Core Data for storage (no, not NSPersistentDocument-based). Trying to write the store out, but when I call -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] I get an error. Great! What is it?

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134030 UserInfo=0x16a0fce0 “An error occurred while saving.”

Oh, that's so helpful. Thanks, Cocoa.

Edit: Yes, there is userInfo:

<CFDictionary 0x16923db0 [0xa03f61a0]>{type = immutable, count = 1, capacity = 3, pairs = (
2 : <CFString 0xa04222b8 [0xa03f61a0]>{contents = “NSUnderlyingException”} = An error occurred while converting metadata to a property list: Property list invalid for format

That actually is helpful. Thanks, Cocoa.


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