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Looking for a Job

Like the title says... I'm looking for a job. So I figured, why not? Let's put this on the blog as well.

I'm a capable person in general. I'm friendly, I work well with others and can write (check out my articles). If that's not enough, I have three degrees. A bachelors in History, and two masters degrees -- one in Education, the other in Political Science.

I am looking for a job teaching government in a community college, however, I am open to anything that looks interesting. I am most interested in Jewish education, more in an administrative position rather than teaching (although I certainly get a kick out of that).

If anyone has suggestions, feel free to comment. If you'd like a resume, I'd be happy to send one out. Thanks for your time.



Hello, again!
Recall (this is way WAY back) that I mentioned my contact(s) at OCC as a possible "in" for you to teach there?

I'd be glad to give you direct info...especially since they've posted for adjunct faculty in PoliSci

Barring that, you can always get in to the pool as a tutor/SI - I can hook you up with the ppl who run that program, too.

Drop me a note or give me a ring and I can get you some contact info...in general, I know they're big on hiring people recommended by people that they know. You know.

Missed you last week...I plan to get the learning group up at Hillel running soon, but until then, what are you doing Friday morning ?

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