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Bug in the debugger

It seems like Dan's Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday and Mike's del.icio.us tag idea have been really catching on. However, it seems to be a lot of bitching and moaning about iTunes and the Finder. Let's try to find the coolest and weirdest bugs. That would improve things. (Yes, this isn't Friday. Too bad.)

This is one of my oldest and best. Some may remember Microsoft's cross-compiler for the Mac. It generated weird code, basically mimicking the x86's register-starved architecture with the PPC. It generated code that sometimes was flat-out broken and in general was just awful. When I started working at Baseview, I had to track down a crash in FoxPro. The crash was due to the brokenness of the generated code. But before I could figure that out, I needed to get MacsBug to work with the code. MacsBug was an incredibly stable debugger. But point it at Microsoft's cross-compiled code and sometimes it just couldn't take it.

Radar #2391373: MacsBug 6.5.4a7c1 crashes app while tracing over branch
Created: 27-Sep-1999 04:36 PM
Closed: Finally sometime in 2004
Fixed: No. (I'm not complaining.)

-- Steps to Reproduce:

Run Microsoft FoxPro 2.6. Examine WDEF 128. It is a stub jump to a routine descriptor to a routine in the heap. Place a breakpoint on the first instruction of the routine in the heap (PPC), and run.

When the WDEF is called and you hit the breakpoint, attempt to trace over the bl $+0x001C instruction 16 instructions from the start of the routine. MacsBug will then send the pc off into never-never land.

-- Expected Results:

I am not sure what to expect. The bl branches to code that modifies the LR and then returns. I'd imagine that MacsBug should, when tracing over the bl, return to one of the branch instructions following it (see the MacsBug log below for details). The one thing it shouldn't do is crash the app.

-- Actual Results:

MacsBug log follows:

// [Avi] This is the routine that I'm attempting to trace:

Disassembling PowerPC code from 0338A5C8 No procedure name
0338A5C8 ? extsh      r3,r3                                   | 7C630734
0338A5CC   ori        r3,r4,0x0000                            | 60830000
0338A5D0   extsh      r4,r5                                   | 7CA40734
0338A5D4   ori        r5,r4,0x0000                            | 60850000
0338A5D8   ori        r10,r5,0x0000                           | 60AA0000
0338A5DC   addi       r10,r10,0x0000                          | 394A0000
0338A5E0   cmplwi     cr2,r10,0x0006                          | 290A0006
0338A5E4   mflr       r12                        ; LR = 0x0008 | 7D8802A6
0338A5E8   ori        r9,r6,0x0000                            | 60C90000
0338A5EC   stwu       SP,-0x003C(SP)                          | 9421FFC4
0338A5F0   stw        r12,0x0044(SP)                          | 91810044
0338A5F4   stw        r31,0x0038(SP)                          | 93E10038
0338A5F8   li         r31,0x0000                              | 3BE00000
0338A5FC   bge        cr2,$+0x0098               ; 0x0338A694 | 40880098
0338A600   slwi       r10,r10,0x02                            | 554A103A
0338A604   bl         $+0x001C                   ; 0x0338A620 | 4800001D
0338A608   b          $+0x0028                   ; 0x0338A630 | 48000028
0338A60C   b          $+0x0040                   ; 0x0338A64C | 48000040
0338A610   b          $+0x0058                   ; 0x0338A668 | 48000058
0338A614   b          $+0x005C                   ; 0x0338A670 | 4800005C
0338A618   b          $+0x0060                   ; 0x0338A678 | 48000060
0338A61C   b          $+0x0064                   ; 0x0338A680 | 48000064
0338A620   mflr       r0                         ; LR = 0x0008 | 7C0802A6
0338A624   add        r0,r0,r10                               | 7C005214
0338A628   mtlr       r0                         ; LR = 0x0008 | 7C0803A6
0338A62C   blr                                                | 4E800020
0338A630   lbz        r5,0x006E(r3)                           | 88A3006E
0338A634   cmplwi     cr2,r5,0x0000                           | 29050000
0338A638   beq        cr2,$+0x005C               ; 0x0338A694 | 418A005C
0338A63C   extsh      r5,r9                                   | 7D250734
0338A640   andi.      r5,r5,0xFFFF                            | 70A5FFFF
0338A644   bl         $-0x0F40                   ; 0x03389704 | 4BFFF0C1
0338A648   b          $+0x004C                   ; 0x0338A694 | 4800004C
0338A64C   lbz        r5,0x006E(r3)                           | 88A3006E
0338A650   cmplwi     cr2,r5,0x0000                           | 29050000
0338A654   beq        cr2,$+0x0040               ; 0x0338A694 | 418A0040
0338A658   ori        r5,r9,0x0000                            | 61250000
0338A65C   bl         $-0x064C                   ; 0x0338A010 | 4BFFF9B5
0338A660   ori        r31,r3,0x0000                           | 607F0000
0338A664   b          $+0x0030                   ; 0x0338A694 | 48000030
0338A668   bl         $-0x0820                   ; 0x03389E48 | 4BFFF7E1
PowerPC breakpoint at 0338A5C8

// [Avi] When we hit the breakpoint, our registers look like:

PowerPC 604e Registers
CR0  CR1  CR2  CR3  CR4  CR5  CR6  CR7
PC  = 0338A5C8     CR  0010 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100
LR  = 001A0920         <>=O XEVO
CTR = 0338A5C8
MSR = 00000000         SOC Compare Count
Int = 0            XER 000   00     00                     MQ  = 42800828

R0  = 0338A5C8     R8  = 0400A5BC      R16 = 035BFACC      R24 = 00000000
SP  = 0400A500     R9  = 6806DC64      R17 = 035DE270      R25 = 0400A5BC
TOC = 035C0F58     R10 = 00000006      R18 = 035B4188      R26 = 00003BB0
R3  = 00000000     R11 = 0019FDF4      R19 = 035B40B0      R27 = 00000000
R4  = 035E4F40     R12 = 035C5830      R20 = 035B4650      R28 = 0400A598
R5  = 00000001     R13 = 0400AC4C      R21 = 035DD6D4      R29 = 035E4ABC
R6  = 00730283     R14 = 035BF980      R22 = 00000000      R30 = 035E4AB0
R7  = 04000E10     R15 = 035BF984      R23 = 00000004      R31 = 68FFF740

// [Avi] ...and this is my attempt to trace over the code:

Step (over)
No procedure name
0338A5C8 ? extsh      r3,r3                                   | 7C630734
0338A5CC   ori        r3,r4,0x0000                            | 60830000
0338A5D0   extsh      r4,r5                                   | 7CA40734
0338A5D4   ori        r5,r4,0x0000                            | 60850000
0338A5D8   ori        r10,r5,0x0000                           | 60AA0000
0338A5DC   addi       r10,r10,0x0000                          | 394A0000
0338A5E0   cmplwi     cr2,r10,0x0006                          | 290A0006
0338A5E4   mflr       r12                        ; LR = 0x0008 | 7D8802A6
0338A5E8   ori        r9,r6,0x0000                            | 60C90000
0338A5EC   stwu       SP,-0x003C(SP)                          | 9421FFC4
0338A5F0   stw        r12,0x0044(SP)                          | 91810044
0338A5F4   stw        r31,0x0038(SP)                          | 93E10038
0338A5F8   li         r31,0x0000                              | 3BE00000
0338A5FC   bge        cr2,$+0x0098               ; 0x0338A694 | 40880098
0338A600   slwi       r10,r10,0x02                            | 554A103A

PowerPC illegal instruction at 05EAD33C
Closing log

-- Workaround:

Because the “subroutine” is only there to perform a switch statement, stepping into it rather than over it is an option. However, tracing over code is very useful for getting an overview of it, and having a land mine waiting to be triggered if accidentally stepped on is not good.

-- Isolation:

Problem exists on MacOS 8.5.1, 8.6a5 (don't ask, it's not _my_ machine), 9.0f2 and 9.0f3 when running MacsBug 6.5.4a7c1. Observed on PowerTower Pro 225, WallStreet PowerBook G3, PowerMac 9500, PowerMac G3 (beige) and PowerMac G3 (B&W).


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6.5.4a7c1 is an old version. Please regress with 6.6.6d1. :-)

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