Well, about a month ago, I purchased myself a Tungsten T5 through a store on Ebay, but the software CD cracked before I could install it on my Macintosh laptop. I called Palm to get another CD, but they insisted that I purchased it out-of-box over 90 days ago and had no warranty and so the CD would cost me $25 (the cost of tech support) . When I insisted that I hadn't, they told me to contact the store from which I bought it to get a replacement CD. So I email the store, and now I'm waiting quite impatiently. All this trouble for a replacement CD...
Buy prepaid legal and let them hassle the people for you. It has worked miracles for a few kids that Ezra knows. He'll tell you the stories.
Posted by: harriet drissman | September 15, 2005 5:45 PM