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Cartoon controversy

In the whole hubbub about the Danish cartoon of Mohammad, few people note that the Arab press has historically put out the nastiest cartoons about Jews and Israel, and they are the biggest hypocrites when they complain about the Danish cartoons.

And then Filibuster has the courage to come out and say it directly.

[Edit: Check out some of his other ones, like the one on the Nobel prize, the Canadian election, and more.]


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Go to Google and type in: Mohanned Image Archive. It is replete with historical images of the "great one", not only his face, but from head to toe. Obviously, it is all political and the West is too frightened to speak up or to acknowledge the danger of these "people."

Why the quotes around "people"?

I was being perverse. Whenever there is unacceptable behavior, like rioting about a picture and not about cutting off heads or blowing up non-combatants, etc., I hate to put them in the same category as those on a highter moral level.

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