Loving It
Avi told me sooooo long ago to follow the Little Green Footballs blog. I finally this year began listening to his wise words - I recommend to everyone to do the same.
They pulled an article up from the Daily Kos, a blog associated with the Democratic Party. To all of you Dems out there... pay attention.
It's called Image a World Without Israel. Take a read. And if you're a Democrat, you need to seriously re-evaluate where your party is going (over a cliff) and if you want to be part of it.
I wrote an article addressing this issue back in 2002 published in The South End. It's not as strong as I would write it now, but it'll suffice since Shabbos is coming in.
ArtuzSheva.com posted the names of the soldiers with the names of their mothers if anyone wants to say prayers for them.
Gilad (ben Aviva) Shalit
Ehud (ben Malkah) Goldwasser
Eldad (ben Tova) Regev
Posted by: Harriet Drissman | July 16, 2006 9:25 AM